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40 Soal Bahasa Inggris Bab Greeting and Introduction & Kunci Jawaban

Contoh latihan soal tentang greeting and introduction pada mata pelajaran bahasa inggris. Dalam artikel kali ini, kami akan membagikan soal tentang greeting and introduction. Greeting dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya “menyapa”, sedangkan introduction artinya yaitu “memperkenalkan diri”.

Materi tentang greeting and introduction ini karena saking pentingnya mulai dipelajari pada jenjang SD/ MI, SMP/MTs, hingga SMA/MA. Terkait proses pembelajaran materi tersebut, lebih dipengaruhi tentang kreatifitas guru dalam menyampaikan sehingga peserta didik berani untuk greeting and introduction di depan kelas.

Soal tentang Greeting and Introduction dan Jawaban (B Inggris)

Untuk membantu dalam pengetahuan siswa, ada 40 soal yang telah kami siapkan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengetahuan siswa mengenai materi greeting and introduction. Sudah kami lengkapi kunci jawaban yang ada pada akhir artikel. Sekali lagi, jika anda menjumpai ada kunci jawaban yang salah, mohon berkenan untuk memberitahu kami melalui kolom komentar ya.

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Soal PIlihan Ganda : Greeting And Introduction (Bahasa Inggris)

1. Ucapan “nice to meet you” artinya yaitu …

A. Baik baik saja

B. Sampai jumpa

C. Selamat pagi

D. Senang berjumpa denganmu

2. What's your name?

A. I live at Jl.Transad

B. My name is Mia

C. 10 year's old


3. A : Hi, I'm Pedro. Nice to meet you

B : Hi, Pedro. .........

A. What's your hobby?

B. What's your name?

C. Nice to meet you too

D. How old are you?

4. “I'am” dalam bahasa indonesia artinya ...

A. Saya

B. Dia

C. Mereka

D. Kamu

5. “You” dalam bahasa indonesia artinya ...

A. Mereka

B. Saya

C. Kamu

D. Dia

6. My name is Zafran.

Pertanyaan di bawah ini yang cocok dengan jawaban di atas yaitu ...

A. How do you spell that?

B. Where do you live?

C. How old are you?

D. What's your name?


How do you spell that?

A. A-N-A-N-D-A

B. A-N-D-A-N-A

C. A-N-A-N-A-D

D. A-D-A-N-A-N

8. I live in Sumatra Selatan

Pertanyaan di bawah ini yang cocok dengan jawaban di atas yaitu …

A. What's your name?

B. How do you spell that?

C. Where do you live?

D. How old are you?

9. Angka 9 (Sembilan) dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini yang tepat yaitu …

A. Seven

B. Eight

C. Ten

D. Nine

10.  “Name” dalam bahasa indonesia artinya ...

A. Nama

B. Alamat

C. Usia

D. Hobi

11. Good afternoon ?

A. Good night

B. Good afternoon

C. Good morning

D. Good evening

12. How are you today ?

A. You are welcome

B. How do you do

C. How are you

D. I am fine

13. How do you do ?

A. Good night

B. How do you do

C. I am fine

D. It's OK

14. How old are you ?

A. I am grade 10

B. Good night

C. I am fine

D. I am 10 years

15. What class are you now ?

A. I am OK

B. I am grade 10

C. I am 10 years

D. I am fine

16. It is 06.00 a.m. We say...

A. Good evening

B. Good afternoon

C. Good morning

D. Good day

17. When I want to leave someone, I say ... to him/her.

A. Good day

B. Good morning

C. Good afternoon

D. Good bye

18. My mother says ... when I go to bed.

A. Good evening

B. Good day

C. Good night

D. Good morning

19. Dewi : How are you Ratna?

Ratna : ......

A. Thank you so much

B. Nice to meet you

C. I'm fine thanks

D. Thank you

20. It's two o'clock p.m. Agus says ...... to his friends.

A. good to see you

B. good afternoon

C. good night

D. good evening

Soal Bahasa Inggris Bab Greeting and Introduction Kunci Jawaban

21. Teacher : How do you do?

Student : ...............

A. How are you?

B. I'm fine. And you?

C. I'm fine

D. How do you do

22. These are the expressions of greeting. Except....

A. Good bye

B. How are you?

C. Good morning

D. I am fine, thank you

23. It's 10 o'clock in the night and you will go to bed. What will you say....

A. Good morning

B. Good night

C. Good evening

D. Good afternoon

24. Rifki : Hi, Kev. ...........

Galih : Great. How about you?

A. How do you do

B. How are you?

C. I'am fine

D. Good bye

25. Ayu : I have to go now. Nice to meet you.

Yulia : ................

A. Nice to meet you, too

B. Nice to meet Dian

C. Nice to meet you now

D. Nice to meet Bayu

26. Arrange into a good sentence!

good - wants - because - Salmanan - to - bed - he - go - says - night - to

A. Salmanan says good night because he wants to go to bed

B. Salmanan go to bed because he wants to says good night

C. Salmanan wants to says good night because he go to bed

D. Salmanan wants to says good bed because he go to night

27. What will you say if you meet a new person for the first time?

A. See you tomorrow

B. Good night

C. Good bye

D. How do you do?

28. Where can you find new friends?

A. A teacher

B. In the night

C. At school

D. on Sunday

29. When can you say how do you do?

A. Introduction

B. First meeting

C. At night

D. Good day

30. What can you say after finishing your meeting?

A. I am so fine

B. Nice to meet you, too

C. How is life?

D. Good bye

31. Ghofar is happy when ... meets his old friend

A. His

B. Him

C. She

D. Her

E. He

32. Kiki is a new member of Rose English Club. She introduced herself

Kiki : Ladies and gentlemen...........

A. May I introduce you to the audiences

B. I am happy to meet you.

C. Allow me to introduce myself.

D. Let me Introduce you to the audiences

33. Agus : Hello, Budi.

Budi : Hi, Agus. Nice to see you.

Agus : Nice to see you, too. How are you?

Budi : Fine, thank you. And you?

Agus : I am quite well, thanks.

The italicized expressions above to express....

A. a informal greeting

B. a complaint

C. an advice

D. an introduction myself

34. "May I introduce myself?"

The underlined word has the same meaning as?

A. Annoy

B. Deduce

C. Acquaint

D. Contest

35. Agus : Good morning, First of all I would like to introduce my self. my full name is Agus Sasmito Putra, and may I know your name?

Gilang : Good morning too, I would like to introduce my self to you. My name is Ahmad Gilang.

What form of introducing above ?

A. Ordinary conversation

B. Formal introduction

C. Informal introduction

D. a and b right

36. Where are you ...? I'm from Surabaya

A. From

B. Come

C. For

D. Life

37. Andy : ______ .

Mona : Not so bad

To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ?

A. How is everything with you?

B. Nice to meet you

C. Hello

D. Hi

38. Dani: Ratih, this is my sister, Dina.

Ratih : Hi, nice to meet you.

Dina : " ..... "

A. See

B. Thanks you for you

C. I hope you fine

D. Nice to meet you, too

39. What is your expression to introduce yourself if you meet someone for the first time?

A. Hello, nice to meet you friend.

B. Have you meet my friend. Tia?

C. Tia, this is Budi, my friend here

D. Hello, may introduce my self

40. My name is Yasir.

A. How do you spell that?

B. Where do you live?

C. How old are you?

D. What's your name?

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Greeting and Introduction

1 B 11 B 21 D 31 E

2 C 12 D 22 A 32 C

3 A 13 B 23 B 33 A

4 C 14 D 24 B 34 C

5 C 15 B 25 A 35 B

6 D 16 C 26 A 36 A

7 A 17 D 27 D 37 A

8 C 18 C 28 C 38 D

9 D 19 C 29 B 39 D

10 A 20 B 30 D 40 D

Orang Lain Juga Membuka :
1. Soal B Inggris bab Greeting an Introduction & Jawaban Versi 2
2. Contoh Soal bab Grammar dan Jawaban (Paling Lengkap)
3. Soal dan Jawaban B Inggris tentang Tenses (Past, Present, Future)
4. Soal B Inggris Materi Family Tree & Kunci Jawaban

Soal beserta jawaban mapel bahasa inggris tentang greeting and introduction telah kami sampaikan semuanya. Semoga dapat digunakan untuk mengukur pengetahuan siswa tentang materi greeting and introduction di sekolah.

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